Contaminated Products Liability


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Contaminated Products Liability

If your business produces or distributes any type of product, it’s important to have Contaminated Products Liability / Recall Insurance to protect you in the event that one of those products is found to be contaminated.

A product recall can be costly and damaging to a business’ reputation, but with recall insurance in place, you’ll be able to handle the situation much more efficiently.

Contaminated Products Insurance (CPI) can assist with the consequences of a recall by covering essential expenses, offering crisis management and public relations consultants to guide management throughout the crucial first few weeks of a product recall.

Our options and benefits are specifically designed to provide the comprehensive CPI coverage you need to protect your business, including:

  • Accidental contamination.
  • Product tampering.
  • Product extortion.
  • Alleged contamination.
  • Government recall.
  • Adverse publicity.

Manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, importers, wholesalers and retailers of topical and ingestible products should all consider this coverage. Particularly food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you protect your business against the costs of a product recall. Our team will be happy to discuss your specific needs and tailor a policy that’s right for you.

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